

38 Uppsatser om Fetal hemoglobin - Sida 1 av 3

Evaluation of a Flow Cytometry Method for Identifying and Quantifying Fetal Red Blood Cells in Maternal Blood

Hemoglobin is an oxygen binding protein in erythrocytes. Hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptide chains. During the fetal stage the type of hemoglobin called Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) dominates. After birth HbF is replaced by adult hemoglobin (HbA). HbF persists in concentrations less than 1%.

Dyskalkyli : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur fyra pedagoger i specialpedagogisk funktion arbetar kring dyskalkyli

Hemoglobin is an oxygen binding protein in erythrocytes. Hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptide chains. During the fetal stage the type of hemoglobin called Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) dominates. After birth HbF is replaced by adult hemoglobin (HbA). HbF persists in concentrations less than 1%.

Immunohistochemical study of hemoglobin-related proteins in endometrium from fertile and infertile women

In couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility, the woman has normal ovulatory cycles and no organic pathology, and the man has normal semen. The period during which the implantation of an embryo can occur is defined as the window of implantation (WOI). For infertile women, disturbances in the endometrium maturation are hypothesized to impair the uterine receptivity for embryo implantaition. However, there are still no methods found to predict endometrial receptivity.Hemoglobin related-proteins hypothesized to be involved in embryo implantation have been found in the endometrium in both fertile and infertile women. The aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences in the expression of hemoglobin-related proteins, hemoglobin-?, cytoglobin, Fetal hemoglobin and haptoglobin in the endometrium of fertile and infertile women.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and perinatal treatment of premature foals

The danger and vulnerability associated with a preterm birth seem to be closely correlated with a dysfunction of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, whose maturation in the foal is without a doubt as delicate as it is important. Not only is this endocrine cascade vital for the foal in order to cope with neonatal stress, it also appears to be fundamental for the final fetal intrauterine maturation, as well as for the onset of foaling. Equine gestation exhibits some rather unique features, indicating a somewhat different significance of the endocrine changes associated with HPA maturation, compared to many other species. This hormonal cascade is rapid and confined to a narrow time during late gestation in the horse, and the risk of the foal completely missing it therefore becomes prominent. Induced parturition in the mare may be operated through uterotonic agents, which occasionally bring about premature foals. Desirable seems the ability to initiate equine labour while simultaneously enhancing fetal HPA maturation, as in humans and ruminants through perinatal glucocorticoid administration. However, similar treatment in the horse has resulted in various, sometimes fatal, outcomes. In the light of the distinctive features of equine gestation, difficulties are encountered following such administration of glucocorticoids and ACTH.

Signalförändring i automatisk urinmätare : - en ingående studie om dess orsaker

Denna rapport diskuterar vilka ämnen i urinen som påverkar förutsättningarna för utvecklingen av biofilm i Observe Medicals automatiska urinmätare Sippi och på så sätt stör mätsignalen. Idéer och förslag på åtgärder mot detta problem diskuteras. Rapporten tar upp fem olika lösningar som har testats med produkten: albumin utspätt med vatten, fritt hemoglobin utspätt med vatten, albumin blandat med urin, fritt hemoglobin blandat med urin samt endast urin. Volymmätningarna gick till på ett sådant sätt att varje lösning pumpades från en behållare till mätkammaren i Sippins engångsset. Alla mätningar utfördes med två varianter av engångsset.

Järnberikning av mjöl : exemplifierat med Egypten och Iran

The purpose of this study is to give an overview about iron fortification from the view of technique and health. Example of a technical aspect is different iron compounds which are used for fortification like ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate and elemental iron. In the aspect of health the big question is if iron fortification can improve the health in reducing the prevalence of anemia. The study focuses on flour fortification with iron in Egypt and Iran and involves a literature study with scientific articles. Also information from WHO (World Health Organization), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and FFI (Flour Fortification Initiative) are used.Fortification means an intentionally increasing of the content of micronutrient in foods with the aim to improve the food quality and deliver a nutritional benefit to the consumer.

Renal dysplasi hos engelsk cocker spaniel :

Renal dysplasi (RD) is a congenital chronic renal disease affecting young dogs. It is a rather common disease that occurs in a large number of dogs and in some breeds there is a familiar incidence or suspected hereditary background. Both the etiology and pathogenesis are still unknown, but a theory about the cause of RD is that the two components that form the kidney, the uretheric bud and the metanephrogenic blastema, don´t interact normally in the embryo. Kidneys affected by RD contain fetal (immature) structures that are inappropriate for the state of development/age of the dog and abnormal structures caused by an abnormal differentiation. Affected dogs usually are under .

Påverkar järninjektioner risken för ledinflammationer hos smågrisar? :

Hemoglobin is built up from protein and heme groups which give the blood its red colour . Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and other tissues in the body. Normally, a piglet has a hemoglobin value of 130-150 gram per liter blood, and the lower limit before anaemia appears is 80 grams per liter blood. The immune defense is also dependent upon the presence of iron in hemoglobin, since iron participates in different enzyme systems. When the piglet develops anaemia, it becomes pale and thicker around the neck.

Sample cradle prevents pre-analytic error on platelet counts but is not essential for hemoglobin measurement and prothrombin time

Introduction: It is recommended to place all the vacuum tubes directly on a sample cradle after vein puncture to prevent analytic error. This recommendation is not always easy to follow because the samples are taken by different professionals under different situations.  The three most common analyses, platelets count, haemoglobin and prothrombin time were tested.  Therefore, it was interesting to compare results from the three most common analyses with or without sample cradle, to evaluate the influence of this step on the result. Methods: Three analyses were preformed, using blood from 50 different persons. Each person gave two vacuum tubes, each contained 4.5mL of venous blood for the study.

Patientrelaterade riskfaktorer för postoperativ sårinfektion efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft - CABG

Introduction Postoperative wound infections leads to increased patient suffering and cost society money because it leads to longer hospital stays. Previous research shows that patient related risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), advanced age (>65 years) a low preoperative hemoglobin level (<140g/L) and a high BMI (> 30) increases the risk of suffering a postoperative wound infection. Aim To investigate whether patients that underwent surgery with Coronary artery Bypass Graft (CABG) in a university hospital in central Sweden in 2013 and had any of these risk factors more often suffer from post-operative wound infection.MethodThe study has a descriptive design and is based on an ongoing infection registration area of operations. The study included 148 patients out of 255 (58%) undergoing CABG in 2013. Possible risk factors were collected through medical record review.Results There was no significant correlation between surgical wound infection and patient-related risk factors such as smoking (not quit smoking four weeks before surgery), diabetes, COPD, advanced age (>65 years), low preoperative hemoglobin (<140g/L) or a high BMI (>30) and suffered a postoperative wound infection.Conclusion More research and a larger sample is needed in the field to produce a reliable result could be presented..

Fodrets inverkan på resultatet vid undersökning av förekomst av ockult blod i avföringen hos hund :

Hemoplus® (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Tyskland) is a guaiac-based fecal occult blood test developed for human medicine. Guaiac-based tests make use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin so the test is not specific for human hemoglobin and can therefore be used in veterinary medicine. Peroxidase-containing foods such as meat (hemoglobin and myoglobin) can cause false-positive results of the test. To ensure that a positive result is not caused by diet, it has been suggested that canine patients should be fed a meatless diet for a few days prior to fecal occult blood testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of commercial dog food on guaiac-based tests. In this study fecal samples from healthy dogs were analyzed with Hemoplus®.

Jämförelse mellan markörer för funktionellt järnstatus på Siemens Advia 2120 och Sysmex XN-1000 

Syre transporteras från lungorna, via blodet bundet till erytrocyternas hemoglobin, till kroppens alla celler. En hemoglobinkoncentration i blodet under referensintervallet definieras som anemi och påverkar hela kroppen och försämrar den fysiska prestationsförmågan. Järnbristanemi är en anemi med otillräcklig järntillförsel till benmärgen på grund av tomma järnförråd (absolut järnbrist) eller försvårat järnutnyttjande (funktionell järnbrist). Analysparametern HYPO på analysinstrumentet Advia 2120 (Siemens) mäter andelen hypokroma erytrocyter (erytrocyter med lågt hemoglobininnehåll) och anses vara en av de bästa parametrarna för att påvisa funktionell järnbrist. Analysparametern Hypo-He på analysinstrumentet XN-1000 (Sysmex) är en forskningsparameter för samma ändamål.

Perioperativ omvårdnad vid kejsarsnitt hos tik ? förbättra utfall för tik och valpar

Dystocia, or difficult birth, is a commonly seen complication to natural birth in veterinary hospitals. Although other methods of resolving dystocia exist, 60 % of dystocias will need to undergo caesarean section. To perform a caesarean section, the bitch will have to undergo anesthesia. The purpose of this literary study was to provide a deeper understanding regarding how the physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy influence anesthetic management in the bitch and puppies. Which anesthetic drugs and drug combinations indicated was also investigated as well as how a veterinary nurse can optimize care of the mother throughout the procedure and how resuscitation of the puppies should be carried out for best possible outcome.

Fosterdiagnostik vid MR-undersökningar - gravida kvinnors upplevleser och magnetkamerans påverkan på fostret.

Introduktion: Fosterdiagnostik med magnetkamerateknik (MR-teknik) har utvecklats mycket den senaste tiden och använts som en kompletterande metod till ultraljudsundersökning. Magnetkamera ger ingen joniserande strålning till patienterna, samt ger en mycket mer detaljerad bildinformation än vad andra metoder gör. I samband med MR kan de gravida kvinnorna uppleva olika psykiska påfrestningar genom både själva MR-undersökningen och oro för barnets hälsa. Även om MR-fosterdiagnostiken anses vara en säker undersökningsmetod för fostret föreligger det ändå en ovisshet angående de effekter som kan förekomma. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att genom publicerad forskning få kunskap som kan utveckla röntgensjuksköterskans möjlighet att ge optimalt stöd och information till gravida kvinnor vid fosterdiagnostik med MR-teknik utifrån följande aspekter: 1.

Tidig eller sen avnavling. Kartläggning av det bästa utfallet för friska fullgångna barn:En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Denna litteraturstudie handlar om avnavling och när det är optimalt att avnavla det fullgångna friska barnet. Avnavling har länge varit ett diskuterat ämne bland obstetriker, barnmorskor och föräldrar. Föreliggande studie ska bidra till att öka barnmorskans och övrig vårdpersonals medvetenhet om när avnavling bör ske och när det är fördelaktigt för barnet att avnavlas. Rekommendationen är att friska fullgångna barn avnavlas sent om inte situationen kräver en tidig avnavling eller att föräldrarna önskar tidig avnavling pga. donation till biobanken.

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